7 Reasons Why You Should Choose Xamarin for Cross-Platform Development

In the 21st century, mobile applications have become a necessity rather than a luxury. Businesses, having realized the importance of these new avenues are now deliberating the best ways to build a defining app.

As per recent studies, almost 80% of all businesses prefer developing applications that run across multiple platforms (iOS, Android and Windows). This helps enterprises reach a wider audience and build apps that are cost-effective.

With the extensive benefits that cross-platform applications afford, companies are looking for competent tools that allow quick development of deployment. Xamarin is one such platform that developers prefer using because:

  • It’s an open source platform
  • It offers a native user experience on every platform
  • It has platform specific APIs
  • It has a shared app logic


Xamarin reduces costs for app development companies and optimizes every available resource for app enhanced app development. We look at 7 important reasons why businesses will be well served choosing Xamarin for cross-platform app development.


1. Automation

With more and more businesses looking to automate key business processes to reduce costs and improve operational efficiency, Xamarin provides capable solutions with multiple features for desktop and mobile devices. Efficient tracking of automated processes provides deep insights and statistics that business leaders can use to reshape directions for better performance.


2. Extensive Tools

Xamarin applies C# and .NET that provides developers with powerful tools that are backed by Microsoft with native platform integration, a rich editor and a vast array of debugging features. To cite a few examples, Xamarin.Essentials simplifies development efforts and retrieves native APIs. With such features, mobile application development firm can access over 30 features for development over multiple platforms.


3. Easy Compilation

Xamarin has two main offerings – Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS. With Xamarin, there is no need to build separate apps for different platforms, which means a drastic reduction in development time. Programmers have to write code only once that can then be run in multiple environments. 

Since the volume of code is lesser, it also translates into fewer bugs in the code and lesser time spent debugging. This leads to significant reduction of time on multiple fronts. Xamarin uses the AOT compiler mode that is faster than JIT. 


4. Flexible

With Xamarin, developers get:

  • An open-source platform with multiple options and handy features
  • A component store that offers immense value with UI controls, cross-platform libraries, and third-party web services
  • Performance that looks and feels like apps running on any native platform
  • A platform that allows sharing of business logic
  • Native UI controls for multiple platforms such as iOS and Android
  • Code that can be reused for seamless performance and an immersive UI
  • An integrated SDK that eases the amalgamation of new features and updates


5. Scalable

Xamarin helps developers:

  • Build apps For developers working with Xamarin, by default, Visual Studio is an environment to build, develop, and debug apps. Visual Studio includes a simulator and a code editing environment. Programmers may use the VS App Center to test their apps on different devices in the cloud. It allows 
  • Build new features offline while the application is available in the store for download
  • Access the latest SDKs and platform-centric APIs
  • To seamlessly unite APIs and the SDKs from multiple platforms
  • Provide efficient support and regular updates
  • With fast network connectivity for easy scalability of cloud and offline solutions


6. Security

With Azure’s cloud solutions, data security is assured. All app data is encrypted with 24-hour threat management protection.


7. Support

Xamarin’s TestCloud allows testing of apps in divisions and Xamarin Insights helps real-time monitoring of app performance once it is deployed. The wide community of active developers also help with the required technical nous. 


You can build a powerful cross-platform application using Xamarin by speaking to our custom mobile app development experts today.

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